måndag, augusti 31, 2009

Försoning (drama 2007)

Originaltitel: Atonement
Release: DVD 2008-05-28 Bio 2008-01-11
Regi: Joe Wright
Manus: Christopher Hampton
Skådespelare: Keira Knightley, James McAvoy, Vanessa Redgrave, Brenda Blethyn, Peter Wight.

: Keira Knightley (Love Actually) och James McAvoy (The Last King of Scotland) spelar huvudrollerna i denna storslagna film från regissören av Stolthet och fördom. Efter en serie katastrofala missförstånd, anklagas Robbie Turner (James McAvoy) för ett brott han inte begått. Dessa anklagelser ödelägger Robbie och Cecilias (Keira Knightley) nyfunna kärlek och förändrar deras liv dramatiskt. ”Försoning” är en romantisk berättelse som både är fängslande och stämningsfull och som Aftonbladet beskriver som ”EN MÄSTERLIG FILM”.

reflektion: Sorglig på flera sätt. Se den. Fint foto, fin stämning.

Trillian: 3 av 5
imdb: 7.9 av 10
Moviezine: 4 av 5
filmtipset.se: 4 av 5
Expressen: 5 av 5
Aftonbladet: 4 av 5
Svenska Dagbladet: 5 av 5

Källa: imdb

Supernatural säsong 2 (tv 2006-2007)

Skapad av: Eric Kripke
Huvudroller: Jared Padalecki som Sam Winchester och Jensen Ackles som Dean Winchester

Trillians reflektion:
Underbaraste serien, och tänk att jag som är skiträdd hela tiden tycker så. Jag tror att jag äntligen fastnat för spökhistorier och övernaturliga saker.

Avsnitt 1-22 säsong 2
1 - In My Time of Dying (28 September 2006)
2 - Everybody Loves a Clown (5 October 2006)
3 - Bloodlust (12 October 2006)
4 - Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (19 October 2006)
5 - Simon Said (26 October 2006)
6 - No Exit (2 November 2006)
7 - The Usual Suspects (9 November 2006)
8 - Crossroad Blues (16 November 2006)
9 - Croatoan (7 December 2006)
10 - Hunted (11 January 2007)
11 - Playthings (18 January 2007)
12 - Nightshifter (25 January 2007)
13 -Houses of the Holy (1 February 2007)
14 -Born Under a Bad Sign (8 February 2007)
15 - Tall Tales (15 February 2007)
16 -Roadkill (15 March 2007)
17 -Heart (22 March 2007)
18 -Hollywood Babylon (19 April 2007)
19 -Folsom Prison Blues (26 April 2007)
20 -What Is and What Should Never Be (3 May 2007)
21 -All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 (10 May 2007)
22 -All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (17 May 2007)

Källa: imdb

torsdag, augusti 27, 2009

Män som hatar kvinnor (thriller 2009)

Originaltitel: Millenium - Män som hatar kvinnor
Release: DVD 2009-08-26 Bio 2009-02-27
Regi: Niels Arden Oplev
Manus: Nikolaj Arcel, Rasmus Heisterberg
Författare: Stieg Larsson
Skådespelare: Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Peter Haber, Ingvar Hirdwall, Lena Endre, Björn Granath.

Handling: Mikael Blomkvist, ekonomireporter, döms till fängelse för förtal av finansmannen Wennerström, och beslutar sig för att ta time-out från sitt jobb på tidskriften Millennium. I samma veva får han ett ovanligt uppdrag. Henrik Vanger, tidigare en av landets främsta industriledare, vill att Blomkvist ska skriva släkten Vangers historia. Men det visar sig snart bara vara en täckmantel för Blomkvists verkliga uppgift: att ta reda på vad som hänt Vangers unga släkting Harriet, som varit spårlöst försvunnen i snart fyrtio år. Till sin hjälp får han Lisbeth Salander, en ung strulig tjej, tatuerad och piercad, men också professionell hacker och med unika egenskaper som gör henne till en oslagbar researcher.

Trillians reflektion: Jag blev verkligen glatt överraskad av att filmen var så bra. Att de lyckats med att få själen från boken filmatiserad. Jag brukar inte gilla svensk film, men den här var riktigt bra och då har jag läst alla tre böckerna som jag för övrigt älskade. Jag gillade även Noomi Rapace som Lisbeth Salander. Trodde i min enfald att just den rollen skulle bli skitsvår att sätta men hon lyckas verkligen. Nu längtar jag tills nästa film.

Trillian: 5 av 5
imdb: 7.6 av 10
Lovefilm: 4.2 av 5
Svenska Dagbladet: 5 av 5
Expressen: 3 av 5
Aftonbladet: 3 av 5

tisdag, augusti 18, 2009

The Butterfly Effect (thriller 2004)

Originaltitel: The Butterfly Effect
Release: DVD 2004-09-29 Bio 2004-06-27
Regi: J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress.
Manus: J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress.
Skådespelare: Ashton Kutcher, Eric Stoltz, Melora Walters, Amy Smart, Elden Henson.

Evan Treborn har förlorat sin uppfattning om tid och rum. Avgörande och fruktansvärda händelser från hans barndom har försvunnit in i svarta hål av glömska. Det enda som återstår är ett spöklikt minne och de förstörda liv som hans barndomsvänner Kayleigh, Lenny och Tommy nu lever. Under barndomen uppmanade en psykolog honom att föra dagbok över allt som hände runt omkring honom. Nu när han i college börjar läsa ur en av dessa dagböcker kastas han oförklarligt bakåt i tiden. Han upptäcker då att han kan återvända till sin barndom och återskapa sina minnen. Fast besluten att göra något åt det han inte kunde göra tidigare, reser han avsiktligt tillbaka i tiden och ändrar sin barndoms handlingar i ett försök att återskapa historien för att förhindra de fruktansvärda händelser som drabbat hans närmaste vänner. Men varje gång som Evan ändrar något i det förflutna och återvänder till nutiden upptäcker han att hans handlingar har fått nya, oväntade och förödande konsekvenser...

Trillians reflektion:
När jag såg den här filmen första gången så visste jag inte vem Ashton Kutcher var. Efter det har han gift sig med Demi Moore och jag har sett han i den superdåliga TV-serien "That 70´s show", så jag har lärt känna hans ticks. Ticksen är ganska påtagliga när jag ser filmen andra gången. Men jag tycker fortfarande att filmen är asgrym. Den är spännande och jag gillar verkligen hans blackouts. Man sitter som klistrad och undrar vad som skall hända och hur ska det här sluta. Jag älskar den här filmen...

Trillian: 5 av 5
imdb: 7.8 av 10
Lovefilm: 3.7 av 5
Filmtipset.se: 5 av 5
Aftonbladet: 2 av 5
Expressen: 2 av 5
Moviezine: 8 av 10
Nöjesguiden: 4 av 5
Svenska Dagbladet: 3 av 5

Källa: imdb

söndag, augusti 16, 2009

Madagaskar 2 (animerat 2008)

Originaltitel: Madagascar 2 - Escape 2 Africa
Release: DVD 2009-04-01 Bio 2008-11-21
Manus: Etan Cohen, Eric Darnell

Alla våra gamla vänner är tillbaka igen, lejonet Alex, zebran Marty, giraffen Melman, flodhästen Gloria såväl som Kung Julian, Maurice och Pingvinerna. I denna uppföljning försöker de ta sig från Madagaskar tillbaka till New York - med hjälp av ett krashat plan pingvinerna försökt att lappa ihop. Mot alla odds lyckas de lyfta planet och gänget ser fram emot att komma hem till tryggheten i Central Park Zoo...när de nödlandar på savannen i Afrika...

Trillians reflektion: Jag bara älskar Gloria och Melman och historien var söt den här gången också. Kan inte minnas nåt särskilt citat som jag föll för men den var helt klart sevärd denna tvåa av Madagaskar. Tror faktiskt att den här var bättre än ettan.

Trillian: 3 av 5
imdb: 6.9 av 10

Gilmore Girls Säsong 4 (drama 2003-2004)

Trillians reflektion:

Sjukt roliga avsnitt och Tuva har fastnat i Gilmore Girls träsket tillsammans med mig. Tyvärr är inte en av mina nya favoriter med så mycket den här säsongen. Jared Padalecki. När jag plöjt igenom alla GG så ska jag gå över till Supernatural. Jared är ena brorsan i den serien. Ser fram emot det. Men tillbaka till GG. Känns som att ju fler avsnitt de gör, ju bättre blir de. Samspelet, manusen, skådisarna, ja allt blir bara bättre och bättre. Börjar redan få ångest över att snart är det slut. Finns ju bara sju säsonger. Snyft.

Säsong 4 (2003-2004)

1 - Ballroom & Biscotti - Lorelai and Rory return from their summer backpacking trip to Europe only to discover Rory miscalculated how much more time she had off till school starts which puts her in a bind with Taylor and Lorelai in a bind with Emily. Luke's summer cruise with Nicole got him in a bind and Sookie is almost ready to have her baby.
2 - The Lorelais' First Day at Yale - Always willing to help, Luke lends his truck to Lorelai to get Rory moved into her dorm despite how much trouble it turns out to be. Meanwhile, the Gilmores realize Rory is growing up, but Lorelai helps her ease into her new life. Paris turns out to be one of Rory's new roommates and not by accident. Luke has to deal with his pending divorce.
Luke: Where's your mom? [Rory points to Lorelai, who is driving Luke's truck in reverse]
Luke: What the hell is she doing?
Rory Gilmore: She didn't know how to get it out of reverse.
Luke: So she drove it in reverse all the way from her house?

3 - The Hobbit, The Sofa and Digger Stiles - To earn some money before the baby arrives, Sookie asks Lorelai if they can cater a kids party but Sookie doesn't know what kids like. Emily sets Rory up the proper way and Richard contemplates a business partner.
[Paris to Rory]
Paris: You're 18 grandpa, sleep when you're dead.

4 - Chicken or Beef - Lorelai needs to get permits approved before they can more forward with the inn and learns that business also involves back room deals. Rory runs into Dean who invites her to his wedding.
Luke Danes: There is no fate.
Lorelai Gilmore: What do you mean there is no fate! Of course there is fate!
Luke Danes: There is no fate, there is no destiny, there is no luck. Astrology is ridiculous. Tarot cards tell you nothing, you cannot read a palm, tea leaves make tea and nothing else. Jim Morrison is not hanging out with Elvis. And the Kennedys did not kill Marilyn.
Lorelai Gilmore: I totally knew you were gonna say that.
Luke Danes: I came over here, my fault.
Lorelai Gilmore: I read your mind! It spoke to me! We're psychic!
Luke Danes: Enjoy the fries.
5 - The Fundamental Things Apply - After reflecting on her lack of social life, Rory decides to try dating and finds it harder than it looks. Lorelai is still adjusting to an empty house and has Luke over to try to fill the gap. Meanwhile Lorelai is somewhat disturbed after discovering that the designer she just hired to decorate the inn used to work for Emily.
Emily: I just found out Sookie's pregnant.
Lorelai: Uh huh. Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it.

6 - An Affair to Remember - Rory's roommates have her on edge so she tries to find the perfect place to study, meanwhile Emily hires Sookie and Lorelai to cater Richards office party only to find out Jason has other ideas.
Luke Danes: I don't have time to kill you right now, Kirk. Come back in a couple of hours.
7 - The Festival of Living Art (aka Love Me or Louvre Me) - Stars Hollow is asked to host a Festival of Living Pictures when a neighboring town backs out, inspiring the town regulars pitch in to pull it off in only a week. Lane finds the perfect guitarist to replace Dave, but Zach objects because of his age. Sookie and Jackson hire one of the best midwifes on the eastern seaboard. Luke and Nicole decide to hold off on their divorce.
Zach: [the band are talking about new replacement, Gil] Right here. [points to his eyes]
Zach: He's got some lines. That blows my mind.
Brian Fuller: What is he, late thirties?
Zach: Approaching forty.
Lane Kim: Forty?
Brian Fuller: He was alive before man walked on the moon.
Zach: Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out.
Lane Kim: Let's not be over-dramatic, guys. I mean, he is an incredible guitarist.
Zach: He's had a lot of time to practice.
Brian Fuller: And the bicentennial - he was alive for that.
Lane Kim: This is the best we've sounded since Dave, and he's really...
Zach: Elderly.
Lane Kim: Excited.
Brian Fuller: He was our age when we were born.
Lane Kim: He thinks we're great.
Brian Fuller: There were no CD's when he was born.
Zach: Stop it, man. I mean it.
Lane Kim: Maybe there's a way to offset his oldness. Put a hat on him. Dress him up like Angus Young in AC/DC - that schoolboy outfit.
Brian Fuller: He could have seen AC/DC with their original lead singer.
Zach: And 1980 is when that guy choked on his own vomit. That's old.
Lane Kim: You want to stop the audition?
Brian Fuller: We shouldn't be rude.
Lane Kim: Good.
Zach: Fine, we'll keep going, but remember, any new member has to be approved by all of us. So one vote against, and he's back at bingo.

8 - Die, Jerk - After receiving advices from the Yale Daily News editor on what he is looking for, Rory's next article is a huge hit with everybody except the dancer she reviewed. Richard and Emily return from their Atlantic City business trip while Lane is told to send a special jug to Dave in California. Lorelai confronts Luke about his relationship with Nicole and Bruce confronts Lorelai and her anti midwife energy on retarding the baby's acquisition rate.
Lorelai Gilmore: I wouldn't dismiss it so fast Mom, the internet is more than just good porn now.

9 - Ted Koppel's Big Night Out - At lunch, Richard introduces Rory and Paris to his old friend who Paris is more then intrigued with. Meanwhile it's time for the Yale/Harvard game and the Gilmores go in style, happy flask and all till Emily realizes she's been deceived for many years which inadvertently pushes Lorelai into the arms of Jason.
Lorelai: [half asleep] Did I put on underwear?
Rory: What?
Lorelai: I think I forgot to put on underwear... can you check?... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?

10 - The Nanny and the Professor - Luke hires Lane to help out at the diner. Rory isn't happy Paris is dating her new teacher. Lorelai and Jason decide to keep their relationship from her parents at least for now and Michel, out of jealousy babysits Davey.
11 - In the Clamor and the Clangor - Lane's band gets a gig at famous CBGB's in New York, but it doesn't come without a price. Luke and Lorelai make up to silence the newly restored bells but only after Lorelai realizes maybe Luke hasn't moved completely away and Rory confronts William about their relationship.
Lane Kim: It's people like you who are destroying music.
Rory Gilmore: Oh no, Britney's got some of the blame.
12 - A Family Matter - Lane fits right in at Yale, almost. Luke's sister Liz visits for her high school reunion and Jess returns to get his car meanwhile with Jaime in town, Rory makes Paris decide between her two guys. Lorelai finds money is tight and her and Jason agree to let her parents know they've been dating, but that's easier said then done.
13 - Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels - It's firelight festival time again and with Taylor stuck out of town, Kirk tries to fill in. Luke meets his sister Liz's latest boyfriend, Lorelai meets Liz and realizes Luke really is always there for them and Jess, anxious to get out of town as soon as his car is repaired, stirs up trouble with family and friends.
Rory: So who else is joining us?
Emily: No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair.
Richard: We're saying it's Marjorie's husband's.
Emily: He's making the rounds, and at about eight he'll get sick and have to leave.
Richard: Does everybody understand the story?
Lorelai: I think so. But then we'll have to hide his jacket. So I suggest I put it under my dress and pretend to be pregnant, then Jason can pretend to be the doctor. Then Rory can dig a tunnel, and ...
Emily: I might have known you'd turn this into something ridiculous, Lorelai.
Rory: Yeah, I wanna be the doctor.
14 - The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais - Lane moves in with Lorelai for the time being and lets Mrs. Kim know who advises her to wear socks. Lorelai the first visits and learns that Lorelai's inn construction is costing more then anybody expected. Lorelai and Rory play phone tag as their frustrations mount. Lorelai's financial woes reach a boiling point and so does Rory's school pressures as each have a melt down with the strong married men in their lives.
[Lorelai just booked the Dragonfly Inn's first reservation]
Michel Gerard: But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper.
Lorelai: So?
Michel Gerard: It's embarrassing. This is an historical document.
Sookie St. James: Who cares what she wrote it down on?
Michel Gerard: Big Red wrapper.
Sookie St. James: Juicy Fruit would have been better?
Michel Gerard: Well, I'm going to go out and get a value pack for when things really start getting busy around here.

15 - Scene in a Mall - Kirk tries his hand at dog sitting meanwhile the Gilmore girls are finally able to connect and decide to spend some quality time together window shopping, but with both of them "skint", shopping isn't much fun. The two run into Emily on a shopping binge... angry and upset about her marriage, lack of accomplishments and a little jealous of her daughter.
16 - The Reigning Lorelai - Lorelai the first passes on suddenly leaving Richard a mess and Emily handling all the arrangements till she discovers a letter Trix wrote Richard the day before he and Emily married. Lorelai finishes up the arrangements the best she can. Luke and Nicole quarrel in the town square and bar glass pinching cousin Marilyn reminisces about Lorelai the First's full life.
17 - Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' The Twist (aka Gilmore Girls Gone Wild) - Rory and Paris flee from a rainy Dickens-like late winter for a week in Florida for college spring break with the socially awkward Glen and the fitness-freak Janet. There, Rory and Paris meet old school friends Madeline and Louise, the party queens of the area, who give them some pointers for partying, in which Paris goes out of her way to get some attention. Back in Stars Hollow, Lorelai struggles with her growing romance with Jason while she's forced to bail out Luke from jail when he's arrested over stalking his former girlfriend.
Paris: Excuse me for thinking a banana-eating contest was about eating a banana!
18 - Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom! - Richard and Jason invite Jason's father for dinner only to discover he wants to ruin their competing company. Rory tells Lane what she thinks of Deans selfish wife not knowing Lindsay can hear her and after months of deception, Richard and Emily learn Jason and Lorelai have been dating.
Jason Stiles: Plants need light.
Lorelai Gilmore: They do?
Jason Stiles: It's the photo part of photosynthesize.
Lorelai Gilmore: Oh, don't some plants just synthesize?
Jason Stiles: They really need the photo part.
Lorelai Gilmore: None of the plants I had ever needed light.
Jason Stiles: Any of em lived?
Lorelai Gilmore: Oh, insight!

19 - Afterboom - Luke and Nicole finalize their divorce. Lorelai concerned only about Jason, confronts her father on their business problems. Emily too question Richards decisions and gets the cold shoulder which is the final straw for her. Jason then decides to counter sue Richard which leaves Lorelai with only one clear choice.
Rory Gilmore: FIRE!
Lorelai Gilmore: What?
Rory Gilmore: Nothing, I was just feeling left out.

20 - Luke Can See Her Face - Liz returns to Stars Hollow with news that she and TJ will marry next week in the towns square which has Luke asking Jess to attend. Lorelai and Sookie overhear Dean and Lindsay's problems and Luke works on his dating and communication skills with a self help tape that makes him realize Lorelai is the one.
Shel Sauceman: You know they say pretty women aren't funny because they never had to be... were you a fat child?

21 - Last Week Fights, This Week Tights - With Lorelais help, Mrs. Kim and Lane work out their new relationship. Thanks in part to her grandmother, Rory gets stranded on a bad date where she turns to Dean for help. Liz and Tj's Renaissance wedding in the town square has Luke and Lorelai enjoying each others company so much so that Luke asks Lorelai for another date and on his way out of town, Jess asks Rory to leave everything and run away with him.
22 - Raincoats and Recipes - Using the Dragonfly's practice weekend, Lorelai gets her parents to admit they've separated. Meanwhile Luke, doing everything by the book, feels like an idiot when it looks like Jason and Lorelai are still dating prompting her to clarify the situation to both of them meanwhile Rory takes a big step with her first love and Lorelai reminds her he's married.
Lorelai: Tom, I'm lovin' ya like a two-dollar whore.
Tom: Great. I'll tell the wife.

Källa: Wikipedia, imdb,

lördag, augusti 15, 2009

Entourage säsong 1 (dramakomedi 2004)

Originaltitel: Entourage
Release: DVD 2006-08-16
Manus: Doug Ellin
Skådespelare: Jeremy Piven, Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Jerry Ferrera
Med gästframträdanden av: Scarlett Johansson, Val Kilmer, Gary Busey, Luke Wilson, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman m.fl.

Handling: Din bästa vän håller på att slå igenom i Hollywood. Det finns bara en sak att göra; häng på! Eric, Turtle och Johnny Drama är tre killar från Queens som bestämmer sig för att hjälpa sin kompis Vincent Chase att undvika alla fällor i ett Hollywood fyllt av sex, fester och knäppa agenter.

Trillians reflektion: Kul serie som jag fastnade för direkt. Lättsedd med alldeles för korta avsnitt, precis som säsongerna. Säsong 1 är bara 8 avsnitt. Det roliga med serien är också alla gästframträdanden av kändisar som spelar sig själva. Just love it. Favoritkaraktären är agenten Ari Gold som spelas av Jeremy Piven helt jäkla suveränt. Så otroligt bra skådis. Om jag ska vara ärlig så är det nog han som håller ihop hela serien med sina fanstasiska monologer och kroppsspråk. Jag sitter konstant och fnissar.

Avsnittsguide säsong 1 avsnitt 1 -8 (av 8):
1. Pilot (18 July 2004)
2. The Review (25 July 2004)
3. Talk Show (1 August 2004)
4. Date Night (8 August 2004)
5. The Script and the Sherpa (15 August 2004)
6. Busey and the Beach (22 August 2004)
7. The Scene (29 August 2004)
8. New York (12 September 2004)
Källa: imdb,

F.R.I.E.N.D.S säsong 1 avsnitt 1-8 (tv 1994)

Jag gav det en chans... åtta avsnitt klarade jag av innan jag skrek NEEEEEJ inge meeeeeeer jag har fått nooooooooooooog. Helvete vad jag hatar serier med pålagt skratt, så fruktansvärt tillgjort. Jag vill faktiskt välja själv när jag ska skratta.

Season 1, Episode 1: The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate
Original Air Date—22 September 1994
Rachel runs from her wedding and meets the friends in the coffee place. Ross is depressed about his divorce but he still has a crush on Rachel.

Season 1, Episode 2: The One with the Sonogram at the End
Original Air Date—29 September 1994
In this episode, Ross finds out that his ex-wife Carol is pregnant with his child. He's stunned to learn she wants to give the baby her and her lesbian lovers last name. Ross and Monica's parents come for dinner which makes Monica really stressed. Rachel decides to return her engagement ring to Barry, the man she left at the alter and learns that he didn't let their honeymoon go to waste. He spent it with her maid of honor Mindy.

Season 1, Episode 3: The One with the Thumb
Original Air Date—6 October 1994
Monica is reluctant to introduce her new boyfriend, Alan, to her friends because they've mocked all of the boyfriend they've met before. To her surprise, they love Alan. However, she realizes she doesn't feel a spark with Alan and breaks up with him. Her friends take the news very hard, but Alan is relieved (since he couldn't stand her friends). Chandler resumes his smoking habit. Phoebe encounters a problem with her bank account, when a bank error in her favor nets her $1,000. She gives the money (and a complementary football phone) away to a homeless friend, who in turn buys her a soda. When Phoebe opens it, she sees a thumb, so the soda company gives her $7,000.

Season 1, Episode 4: The One with George Stephanopoulos
Original Air Date—13 October 1994
Joey and Chandler take Ross to a hockey game to keep his mind off of the anniversary of his first time with Carol. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel get George Stephanopoulos' pizza by mistake, and spy on him from Monica's balcony.

Season 1, Episode 5: The One with the East German Laundry Detergent
Original Air Date—20 October 1994
Eager to spend time with Rachel, Ross pretends his building's washroom is rat-infested so he can join her at the laundromat. Chandler points out this could be a 'date' and the first time she'll see his underwear so it shouldn't be dirty! Rachel, the spoiled 'laundry virgin' feels managing this domestic chore is a real step to independence, but despite Ross's good advice she leaves a red sock in the machine. The real accomplishment comes where she has to stand up as no-nonsense-New Yorker against a rude, aggressive woman who invents rules to pretend it's not Rachel turn to do her laundry. Joey realizes he regrets dumping foxy Angela when he learns she is dating Bob. He proposes a double-date, then needs a girl stat. Monica agrees to be Joey's date but when she sees hunky Bob and realizes he's not Angela's brother she starts to enjoy the evening. Chandler drinks too much espresso while desperately trying to break up with neurotic Janice.

Season 1, Episode 6: The One with the Butt
Original Air Date—27 October 1994
The friends attend Joey's new musical, Freud. At the theater, Chandler meets a beautiful women named Aurora. Joey gets hired to be Al Pacino's butt double. Chandler learns that Aurora is married, AND has another boyfriend.

Season 1, Episode 7: The One with the Blackout
Original Air Date—3 November 1994
When a power-cut blacks out most of New York City, Chandler, to his delight finds himself trapped inside an ATM vestibule with Victoria's Secret model Jill Goodacre. She lets him use her cell-phone, and offers him gum which he instantly regrets refusing. He accidentally spits out her gum which he finally accepted, then picks up some to put back in his mouth and begins to choke when he realizes it wasn't the original gum. The others kill time in Monica's apartment, lit by the light from a Menorah, telling stories of the weirdest places they ever had sex. Joey tells Ross he waited too long moving onto Rachel and is now too far into the 'friend's zone.' Ross still tries to make a move on Rachel while stargazing on the balcony. Joey keeps the other girls inside by pretending Ross prepares a birthday surprise party for Monica. A wandering cat scratches Ross. Rachel and Phoebe go knocking on their neighbor's doors to find the cat's owner, seeing through odd neighbor Mr. Heckles's who lies about being the owner. On their mission, they bump into the hunky, and actual cat-owner, Paolo, who only speaks Italian. Rachel brings him back to the apartment where he outstrips Ross's flirting, even not being able to speak English.

Season 1, Episode 8: The One Where Nana Dies Twice
Original Air Date—10 November 1994
Chandler is shocked to learn that people he works with think that he is gay. He asks his friends why, and they tell him that they also thought that he was gay when they first met him. Monica's Grandmother dies, and Ross falls down the open grave, and gets high on pain killers.

Källa: imdb

måndag, augusti 10, 2009

Så som i himmelen (drama 2004)

Originaltitel: Så som i himmelen
Release: DVD 2005-04-20 Bio 2004-09-03
Regi: Kay Pollak
Manus: Margaretha Pollak, Anders Nyberg, Kay Pollak, Ola Olsson.
Skådespelare: Michael Nyqvist, Lennart Jähkel, Per Morberg, Axelle Axell, Frida Hallgren.

Handling: En internationellt framgångsrik dirigent avbryter drastiskt sin karriär och drar sig ensam tillbaka till sin barndomsby i Norrland. Det dröjer inte länge förrän man ber honom komma och lyssna på den lilla spillran till kyrkokör som varje torsdag övar i församlingshemmet. Han har svårt att säga nej till att bli deras ledare och från det ögonblicket blir inget sig likt i byn. Kören utvecklas och växer, han får vänner och fiender, och han möter kärleken...

Trillians reflektion: Svenska filmer i överlag är inte särskilt bra och den här kan sälla sig till den skaran. Den gick att se men det var väl ungefär på håret. Visst var några av skådisarna bra men i överlag bara klyschigt och förutsägbart. Gillar inte såna här filmer. Alls. Men nu har jag iaf sett den och kan lägga den till handlingarna i mitt liv.

Trillian 2 av 5

Wheater Man (drama 2005)

Originaltitel: The Weather Man
Release: DVD 2006-05-24 Bio 2006-02-10
Regi: Gore Verbinski.
Manus: Steve Conrad.
Skådespelare: Nicolas Cage, Michael Caine, Hope Davis, Gil Bellows, Nicholas Hoult.

Handling: Dave Spritz (Nicolas Cage) är mannen med drömjobbet. Han är - i stort sett - populär och tjänar storkovan på jobbet som väderpresentatör på tv! Men han är samtidigt rastlös och verkar inte njuta av kändisskapet med allt vad det innebär av både ris och ros. Han är frånskild, men fortfarande galen i sin exfru. Hans pappa har cancer och David är bekymrad över sina barn - och det med rätta: dottern har viktproblem och sonen är missbrukare. Hur bär man sig egentligen åt för att lyckas här i livet? Enligt filmkritiker visar denna film varför Nicolas Cage när det begav sig omnämndes som sin generations största skådespelartalang! En aktuell, bitsk och uppfriskande insiktsfull komedi om den lilla människan som hamnar i kläm mellan strävan efter yttre framgång och inre självkänsla. För varje steg han tar, räknar hans inre bomb ned mot den stora explosionen och hans livs ultimata förlösning. Hans cancersjuka far spelas av Oscar-vinnaren Michael Caine (Ciderhusreglerna)och filmen är regisserad av Verbinski - mannen bakom "Pirates of the Caribbean". "The Ring" och "The Mexican".

Trillians reflektion: Otroligt seg film. Visst den hade säkert nåt slags budskap som jag lyckades missa. Men jag såg hela filmen och jag somnade inte en enda gång. Dock lärde mig filmen vad en kameltå är egentligen... hehehe.

Trillian 2 av 5
Aftonbladet: 4 av 5
Expressen: 4 av 5
filmtipset.se: 3 av 5
Svenska Dagbladet: 3 av 5
Lovefilm: 2.6 av 5
imdb: 6.9 av 10

Källa: imdb, Lovefilm.se

tisdag, augusti 04, 2009

Supernatural säsong 1 (2005-2006)

Länk till imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460681/
Skapad av: Eric Kripke
Huvudroller: Jared Padalecki som Sam Winchester och Jensen Ackles som Dean Winchester

Supernatural berättar historien om Sam (Jared Padalecki) och Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), två bröder som kämpar mot varelser som vanliga människor inte tror finns. När bröderna var små förlorade de sin mamma i en mystiks brand. Efter den händelsen försökte deras pappa hitta anledningen till hennes död, medan han tränat sina söner i att kämpa mot ondskan. Sam åkte iväg för att studera juridik medan Dean stannade och hjäpte pappa med demonjakter. Det plötsliga försvinnandet av deras pappa återförenar bröderna som åker runt hela USA i en svart Chevrolet Impala av 1967 års modell och undersöker paranormala händelser och annat oförklarligt. Många av dessa händelser är baserade på folksagor, myter och Amerikanska legender men de stöter även på klassiska övernaturliga varelser som vampyrer, varulvar och spöken.

Trillians reflektion:
Nu har jag sett hela säsong 1 av Supernatural. Men först, för att få det överstökat. De här två killarna är inte helt fula att titta på. Mums. Så nu när jag har fått det sagt, så kan vi gå vidare till själva seriens innehåll. Läskig, spännande och välgjord. Jag vågar mer och mer se såna här serier utan att freaka ur totalt. Felix freakade ur och efter avsnittet "Bloody Mary" så har han vägrat se fler avsnitt och han har haft problem med att sova. Ja jag är en hemsk mamma som lät honom titta. Så vad lärde vi oss av det? Låt inte barn se serien, den är inte särskilt barnvänlig. Men den är grymt bra för oss vuxna. Jag älskar den. Bloody Mary är hittills den läskigaste av avsnitten. Mina tankar gick direkt till filmen "The Ring", som gjorde att jag inte kunde sova ordentligt på flera veckor. Men jag har nog mognat för skräckisar, för nu har jag inte haft mardrömmar eller varit rädd. Men jag tycker inte man kan kalla den här serien för renodlad skräckis heller. Skräckis light kanske? Mitt råd är iaf... se den om du gillar övernaturliga saker!

1 - Pilot (13 September 2005)
After two years, Sam Winchester is suddenly visited by his big brother Dean, who insists he helps look for their father John who disappeared on his latest 'hunt' for poltergeists- he accepts only if back in time for a crucial interview.
2 - Wendigo (20 September 2005)
Following their father's coordinates, Sam and Dean end up at Blackwater Ridge where a group of campers are missing.
3 - Dead in the Water (27 September 2005)
As the trail on their father goes cold, Sam and Dean find themselves in a small town in Wisconsin where 3 people have disappeared without trace in to a lake in the past year alone.
4 - Phantom Traveler (4 October 2005)
Sam and Dean are called in to investigate when a plane crashes under mysterious circumstances.
5 - Bloody Mary (11 October 2005)
All over the world, kids play the "Bloody Mary" game, daring each other to say her name three times in a mirror. But no one has even died from it. Until now.
6 - Skin (18 October 2005)
When one of Sam's old school friends is framed for the murder of his girlfriend, Sam and Dean investigate, discovering that a shapeshifter is responsible for that murder and possibly other similar murders.
7 - Hookman (25 October 2005)
Sam and Dean help a girl whose date became a victim of the "Hook Man," a famous urban legend that turns out to be real, in a small college town somewhere in Iowa.
8 - Bugs (8 November 2005)
Sam and Dean head to Oklahoma to investigate a recent spate of insect related deaths around a new housing development.
9 - Home (15 November 2005)
When Sam starts to have nightmares about their old home, he and Dean head back to Kansas. They soon discover that the new owners of their old house are being plagued by a malevolent entity, could it be the same thing that killed their mother many years earlier?
10 - Asylum (22 November 2005)
Sam and Dean investigate an abandoned sanitarium and discover that when the hospital was open, the patients held a revolt against the cruel and unusual experimental treatments carried out by the head doctor.
11 - Scarecrow (10 January 2006)
Sam and Dean have a falling out when their father contacts them and sends them to them to a small town where the citizens sacrifice couples to a pagan god which manifests through a scarecrow. But while Dean strikes off on his own, to help one girl, Sam meets a shady young drifter, named Meg, at a bus depot while on his way out of town, whom is not what she appears to me.
12 - Faith (17 January 2006)
When Dean is accidentally electrocuted fighting a monster, he permanently damages his heart. When he's diagnosed as only having a month, at most, to live, Sam searches for a means to save him and finds Roy Le Grange, a faith healer who may actually be the real deal.
13 - Route 666 (31 January 2006)
Dean gets contacted by his first love, an African American woman, about racist murders that occur on a desert route, caused by a truck that seems driver-less
14 - Nightmare (7 February 2006)
Sam has a premonition in which a man is killed, but the murder is made to look like a suicide.
15 - The Benders (14 February 2006)
After hearing in 'smallville' Hibbing, while masquerading as Minnesota state police, a boy's story about a monster probably was inspired by a Godzilla movie, Sam points out the county was marked by dad as suspicious and has the state's highest ratio of disappearances, but Dean just wants to relax, at least till the morning, until Sam disappears on the parking lot.
16 - Shadow (28 February 2006)
Dean and Sam are investigating a mysterious murder in Chicago and discover that Meg is responsible for it. However, when they try to catch her, Meg unleashes shadow spirits on them and they realize that she is really setting a trap for their father.
17 - Hell House (30 March 2006)
Sam and Dean investigate the case of a maniacal ghost inhabiting a long abandoned Texas farmhouse known as "Hell House." They believe the ghost is the spirit of a deceased Depression-era farmer who killed his family, but they soon realize it is something far more powerful.
18 - Something Wicked (6 April 2006)
Sam and Dean investigate a small town in Wisconsin where children are falling into comas for no apparent reason.
19 - Provenance (13 April 2006)
A young couple is murdered in their home shortly after buying an antique painting of a family portrait circa 1910. Upon reviewing the painting's provenance, Sam and Dean learn that everyone who has ever bought the painting has been murdered and race to discover how the portrait is causing the deaths before it can claim its next victim.
20 - Dead Man's Blood (20 April 2006)
After Daniel Elkins, a vampire hunter and John's mentor, is murdered, Sam and Dean are surprised when John himself shows up to solve the case.
21 - Salvation (27 April 2006)
Meg turns to killing John's friends in order to get the Colt. Sam and Dean stakeout the Demon's next target; a family with a six month old baby showing signs of special abilities. John heads off alone to confront Meg.
22 - Devil's Trap (4 May 2006)
Sam and Dean seek help from Bobby Singer, an old family friend in their mission to save their father from Meg. The brothers set a trap for Meg.

Källa: imdb, wikipedia, Supernatural Sverige