Länk till imdb:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460681/Skapad av: Eric Kripke
Huvudroller: Jared Padalecki som Sam Winchester och Jensen Ackles som Dean Winchester
Supernatural berättar historien om Sam (Jared Padalecki) och Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), två bröder som kämpar mot varelser som vanliga människor inte tror finns. När bröderna var små förlorade de sin mamma i en mystiks brand. Efter den händelsen försökte deras pappa hitta anledningen till hennes död, medan han tränat sina söner i att kämpa mot ondskan. Sam åkte iväg för att studera juridik medan Dean stannade och hjäpte pappa med demonjakter. Det plötsliga försvinnandet av deras pappa återförenar bröderna som åker runt hela USA i en svart Chevrolet Impala av 1967 års modell och undersöker paranormala händelser och annat oförklarligt. Många av dessa händelser är baserade på folksagor, myter och Amerikanska legender men de stöter även på klassiska övernaturliga varelser som vampyrer, varulvar och spöken.
Trillians reflektion:Nu har jag sett hela säsong 1 av Supernatural. Men först, för att få det överstökat. De här två killarna är inte helt fula att titta på. Mums. Så nu när jag har fått det sagt, så kan vi gå vidare till själva seriens innehåll. Läskig, spännande och välgjord. Jag vågar mer och mer se såna här serier utan att freaka ur totalt. Felix freakade ur och efter avsnittet "Bloody Mary" så har han vägrat se fler avsnitt och han har haft problem med att sova. Ja jag är en hemsk mamma som lät honom titta. Så vad lärde vi oss av det? Låt inte barn se serien, den är inte särskilt barnvänlig. Men den är grymt bra för oss vuxna. Jag älskar den. Bloody Mary är hittills den läskigaste av avsnitten. Mina tankar gick direkt till filmen "The Ring", som gjorde att jag inte kunde sova ordentligt på flera veckor. Men jag har nog mognat för skräckisar, för nu har jag inte haft mardrömmar eller varit rädd. Men jag tycker inte man kan kalla den här serien för renodlad skräckis heller. Skräckis light kanske? Mitt råd är iaf... se den om du gillar övernaturliga saker!
1 -
Pilot (13 September 2005)
After two years, Sam Winchester is suddenly visited by his big brother Dean, who insists he helps look for their father John who disappeared on his latest 'hunt' for poltergeists- he accepts only if back in time for a crucial interview.
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Wendigo (20 September 2005)
Following their father's coordinates, Sam and Dean end up at Blackwater Ridge where a group of campers are missing.
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Dead in the Water (27 September 2005)
As the trail on their father goes cold, Sam and Dean find themselves in a small town in Wisconsin where 3 people have disappeared without trace in to a lake in the past year alone.
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Phantom Traveler (4 October 2005)
Sam and Dean are called in to investigate when a plane crashes under mysterious circumstances.
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Bloody Mary (11 October 2005)
All over the world, kids play the "Bloody Mary" game, daring each other to say her name three times in a mirror. But no one has even died from it. Until now.
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Skin (18 October 2005)
When one of Sam's old school friends is framed for the murder of his girlfriend, Sam and Dean investigate, discovering that a shapeshifter is responsible for that murder and possibly other similar murders.
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Hookman (25 October 2005)
Sam and Dean help a girl whose date became a victim of the "Hook Man," a famous urban legend that turns out to be real, in a small college town somewhere in Iowa.
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Bugs (8 November 2005)
Sam and Dean head to Oklahoma to investigate a recent spate of insect related deaths around a new housing development.
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Home (15 November 2005)
When Sam starts to have nightmares about their old home, he and Dean head back to Kansas. They soon discover that the new owners of their old house are being plagued by a malevolent entity, could it be the same thing that killed their mother many years earlier?
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Asylum (22 November 2005)
Sam and Dean investigate an abandoned sanitarium and discover that when the hospital was open, the patients held a revolt against the cruel and unusual experimental treatments carried out by the head doctor.
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Scarecrow (10 January 2006)
Sam and Dean have a falling out when their father contacts them and sends them to them to a small town where the citizens sacrifice couples to a pagan god which manifests through a scarecrow. But while Dean strikes off on his own, to help one girl, Sam meets a shady young drifter, named Meg, at a bus depot while on his way out of town, whom is not what she appears to me.
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Faith (17 January 2006)
When Dean is accidentally electrocuted fighting a monster, he permanently damages his heart. When he's diagnosed as only having a month, at most, to live, Sam searches for a means to save him and finds Roy Le Grange, a faith healer who may actually be the real deal.
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Route 666 (31 January 2006)
Dean gets contacted by his first love, an African American woman, about racist murders that occur on a desert route, caused by a truck that seems driver-less
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Nightmare (7 February 2006)
Sam has a premonition in which a man is killed, but the murder is made to look like a suicide.
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The Benders (14 February 2006)
After hearing in 'smallville' Hibbing, while masquerading as Minnesota state police, a boy's story about a monster probably was inspired by a Godzilla movie, Sam points out the county was marked by dad as suspicious and has the state's highest ratio of disappearances, but Dean just wants to relax, at least till the morning, until Sam disappears on the parking lot.
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Shadow (28 February 2006)
Dean and Sam are investigating a mysterious murder in Chicago and discover that Meg is responsible for it. However, when they try to catch her, Meg unleashes shadow spirits on them and they realize that she is really setting a trap for their father.
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Hell House (30 March 2006)
Sam and Dean investigate the case of a maniacal ghost inhabiting a long abandoned Texas farmhouse known as "Hell House." They believe the ghost is the spirit of a deceased Depression-era farmer who killed his family, but they soon realize it is something far more powerful.
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Something Wicked (6 April 2006)
Sam and Dean investigate a small town in Wisconsin where children are falling into comas for no apparent reason.
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Provenance (13 April 2006)
A young couple is murdered in their home shortly after buying an antique painting of a family portrait circa 1910. Upon reviewing the painting's provenance, Sam and Dean learn that everyone who has ever bought the painting has been murdered and race to discover how the portrait is causing the deaths before it can claim its next victim.
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Dead Man's Blood (20 April 2006)
After Daniel Elkins, a vampire hunter and John's mentor, is murdered, Sam and Dean are surprised when John himself shows up to solve the case.
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Salvation (27 April 2006)
Meg turns to killing John's friends in order to get the Colt. Sam and Dean stakeout the Demon's next target; a family with a six month old baby showing signs of special abilities. John heads off alone to confront Meg.
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Devil's Trap (4 May 2006)
Sam and Dean seek help from Bobby Singer, an old family friend in their mission to save their father from Meg. The brothers set a trap for Meg.
Supernatural Sverige